Each season the fashion designers offer the people many new trends. Today, when the people are looking for the sweaters and boots, the designers introduce new fall collections. Below the main trends of this autumn are described. You can use all the trends or choose the most appropriate trend for you. The main rule for the clothes is the expression of personality and comfort.
The first thing you have to pay attention on is the style. The trends are the following:
1. Ruffled blouses, which are the best decision for the seductively women. The fashionable and stylish blouses have demure buttons, full sleeves, ruffles, and laces. During the cold part of autumn you can wear such blouses together with the jackets and jeans.
Skinny jeans. Usually those people, who prefer bootleg style, do not like the new skinny jeans trend. Only people with perfect figure can wear such jeans, as they are very sleek. Besides, this model is appropriate for the women with long legs, as the best decision is to wear such jeans with the flat boots.
Leggings. They can look stupid and very stylish: all depends on the occasion and on the other clothes. In the past the leggings were combined with the jackets with shoulder pads and the plastic earrings. Such combination is not very attractive and majority of men hate such look. If you want to look stylish, wear the leggings with the belted tunic and the ballet flats.
www.uniquedressup.blogspot.comMenswear. Some men think that those women who wear the men’s suit look very sexy. To look attractive you have to make the ponytail, soft makeup and combine the suit with the bold jewelry. The trendy colors of the season are: grey, brown and black. Navy jackets, printed jeans and V- neck jumpers are also in the latest fashion.