Many people think of Tokyo fashion trends and assume they will find a wide array of outlandish designs and styles typical of the images they find in magazines and traveler’s books. While certain parts of Tokyo have become famous for outlandish colors and combinations of various styles, there are other styles and trends that are much more traditional or built off of existing styles from the west.
Japanese Fashion Trends Explained
GyaruHarajuku’s crowded streets are often a source of these trends, and often magazines like Egg are chosen reading for its practitioners. There are various different methods in which Gyaru girls dress and make themselves up, but the most commonly referenced is that of Ganguro in which incredibly dark fake tans are applied through bronzer and tanning equipment to darken the skin. White makeup and bleached hair contrast the darkened skin and expressive, bright clothing is often worn in conjunction.
Other Gyaru styles include B-Gyaru in which young women dress to look like popular overseas R&B artists, Himegyaru in which young women wear bright pink makeup, long eyelashes, and huge, bouffant hairstyles with expressive, almost gothic style dresses and bows. Another common term used to describe some Gyaru trends is Kogal – often referring to young women who alter their skin and hair color while attempting to constantly retain a “cute” look with trendy new clothing.
Lolita Style
The style itself involves a combination of 19th century Victorian and Edwardian clothing and makeup that very much mimics the appearance of popular porcelain dolls. Young women and teenagers will wear colorful lace dresses and outfit themselves with a large number of accessories such as bonnets, shoes, socks, and ribbons. Additional touches can include dyed hair and even color contact lenses to appear more like the Victorian dolls.
Decora Style
Japanese Streetwear
Streetwear is a general term that has come to define a number of developing fashion trends in Tokyo. Generally, the style refers to those who take their inspiration from Hip hop and R&B culture from overseas and in Japan. Designer sneakers, military inspired jackets, and screen printed t-shirts are often common aspects of this style. However, there are multiple derivatives of it as well.
Punk has a major influence in most Tokyo streetwear fashions, including the advent of the screen printed t-shirt and the slim legged denim that has become both famous in Japan and around the world for its original, handmade ingredients and sources.
Skateboarding culture is another major influence on streetwear fashions and can best be seen in the massive array of different sneaker brands and styles on the market in Tokyo and throughout Japan.
Tokyo’s Trend Setting Ways
For two decades, Tokyo’s streets have been a showcase for new fashions and trends to emerge. These trends are often the seeds of what Japan will be wearing in months or years to come and have intrigued visitors, celebrities, and fashion personalities from around the world. If one wants to know what the next likely street or youth fashion trends might be in two or three years, often they need only look to Tokyo.