One great thing about weddings is that the whole insane event — huge dress, perfect hair and makeup, self-centered bride — is just one day. And then life reverts to being somewhat normal. But, thanks (or no thanks!) to Wedding Dress Balls, the gowns come out of the attic — in the name of charity. A few years ago, three young working mothers in the UK were looking for a way to raise money for a local girl with the childhood cancer neuroblastoma. Writes Judy Rumbold in Telegraph: "As unapologetic bridal enthusiasts, they suspected they weren't alone in wanting to get their frocks out for another airing, and came up with an idea that would indulge women's desire to relive all the princessy excesses of a wedding, with none of the stress." Now a certified success, many Wedding Dress Ball participants squeeze into their old wedding dresses, but some buy new outfits especially for the occasion. And single women are allowed to attend, as "fantasy brides." Are you vomiting yet. Since dredging up the dresses is an excuse for the Ball attendees to wax nostalgic about their wedding days, they make best use of the opportunity Even the men! "If I could ask God to provide me with the perfect day, then my wedding day would be it," says
Richard Egan-Headley, who, writes Rumbold, is "damp-eyed at the memory of his marriage to Claire six weeks ago." Another groom is just happy to be wearing clean clothes: "I fix cars for a living, so I'm filthy most of the time. It's nice to dress up," he says. But when it comes to heart string-tugging tales, the brides win.