8 Months Before Your Wedding Place a booking with the Registry of Marriages (ROM) in Singapore to confirm your wedding date. Decide on your wedding gown - if you are getting it tailored, then you should start working with your designer now. Send out "save the date" cards to your intended wedding guests, and see how many are available to attend. Be sure to send them to your oveaseas guests as they need time to plan a trip for your wedding. Make a booking with your photographer - if possible, ask for a trial photo shoot to see how comfortable you are with your photographer. If not, be sure to see sample wedding photo shots - both studio ones and actual wedding day shots. Book your vendors - make-up artist, florists, videographers, musicians, wedding car, decorators etc. Select members of your wedding entourage - best man, maid of honour, bridesmaids, flower girls and ring bearers.
Confirm your wedding invitation designs, and then begin printing them. Your wedding gown should be fitted and ready for studio photo shoot. Confirm your wedding venue decoration theme and be sure to confirm supplies needed for decoration, such as the flowers, wedding favours. Confirm the menu for the wedding reception with your caterers.
3 Months Before the Wedding Prepare your wedding guest list and mail out wedding invitations. Set the RSVP to three to four weeks before the wedding day. Plan your honeymoon.
1 Month Before the Wedding Finalise the RSVP lists and seating arrangements. But thank you gifts for your parents and wedding entourage.
2 Weeks Before the Wedding Email guests to confirm attendance, and finalise any last minute seating arrangements issues. Arrange for a wedding rehearsal no more than a week before the actual wedding day, or else people will forget what they are supposed to do. Finalise the honeymoon details with the travel agent or hotel.
1 Week Before the Wedding Collect the wedding rings, and be sure they are the correct size. Have your final facial, do not do anything new to your skin now, as you don't want to have an allergic reaction to any new product - stick to what you know works. Pick up your wedding certificate and documents from the Registry of Marriages at the scheduled date.
2 Days Before the Wedding Get yourself and your bridal entourage a manicure and pedicure. And Relax!